After many blurry days of packing, and one last late-night session, we finally got everything into boxes (well, almost everything, looks like we'll be sending ourselves an extra box of pool cues, a forgotten pot and various other odd items). Joanne and Nolan helped us more than they know with inventory and breakdown of Ikea furniture. Lack of sleep due to cats and anxiety, waaaay too much coffee, and too many meals of greasy "comfort" food left us both feeling queasy this morning. I kind of stared off into space while 3 very nice moving dudes sealed our boxes and wrapped up furniture with what looked like huge paper diapers. Luckily they didn't have to *repack* all the things we had already packed, so it didn't take that long. Then we ate some more, and crashed out on our twin mattresses in a house that seems achingly empty. A cold front arrived last night, so it really feels like winter and the holidays around here. Visiting Julie, Phil and Cooper's warm and lively house tonight made us realize just how much we're going to miss little Cooper growing up.
Another of the hard things for me to leave behind is the outside kitty, Lefty. She's really become a part of my daily life for the last year- a constant companion during my stay-at-home floral design days, providing us with entertainment and companionship during the renovations, acting as the ambassador for meeting some of our neighbors. She's come to rely on me for food and water, and because it's cold tonight, a warm pillow and blanket to sleep on in the shop. I'm going to cry like a little baby when we drive away and I see the look in her eyes. Luckily she'll be well cared for by Barbara down the street, but I feel so guilty that I didn't try to find her a permanent, indoor home.
1 comment:
we love you and miss you already! but we're looking forward to vicariously sharing your adventures :-)
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