Sunday, December 24, 2006

Caroling with the Zealanders

It's Christmas- what a weird feeling for it to be summer! Not that the temperature is much different from home right now ;). So here's some images of Kyle's ridiculously sporty car. I really do still squeal when we round the clifftop corners in it. Also, there's a shot of the *double* rainbow (hard to tell in the bad pic) that we saw the other day- it was a full horizon to horizon 180 deg. circle with another one to the left of it. Still looking for the pot of gold, unfortunately.

Also here's two pics of the house on Glenelg that we're staying in until the 15th. We totally lucked out on this one. Not only is it an amazing house, but Audrey and Robert have basically adopted us. They invited us upstairs last night for dessert (baked Alaska, yummy pavlova things, fresh berries...) and prezzie opening. We felt so welcomed by their family and had a really wonderful time. Carolling by candlelight was really a treat. They have two daughters our age, who have two interesting husbands, so we had plenty of ridiculously interesting people to chat with.

I got the job! Iain and Helen have invited me to work with them! I can't wait.

We found a house to rent long-term! It's an impossibly tiny two story garage apartment that's probably no bigger than the 20' container we shipped all our stuff in. Aack, now what do we do with it all? But in this rental market it's a total gem, relatively affordable, and close to the beach, shops, etc. The owners are great- South African immigrants themselves, and it's so much better than renting from an agency. My commute in to Auckland is only an hour (ha- imagine me saying that in Austin), but I'll probably ride the bus, so I can get some good reading in...

Ta ta, hugs, and Merry Christmas!

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