Yep, it's basically Christmas Eve at JBL. We are soooo very excited that the phone will start ringing on Monday morning with orders. Freaked out, but excited. Here's a few shots of our still messy office, the design room (complete with flowers), and the newly installed chiller that still needs electricity...
Our land purchase is still slowly happening. Looks like we might wait for the developer to put in the pain-in-the-arse driveway and build on the top site instead of the lower one. Not sure when we could start construction, since we have no way of controlling when he puts the drive in. Argh. So for now, we might have to look for a bigger rental if we're going to be renting for a year or two. It's been a bit tense with us figuring all this out before we close the deal. Everything good is worth working for, right? Hopefully we're making more money at that point and can build a bigger house :). So many important things happening right now- it's giving me anxiety dreams and jaw tension. Now that my yoga mat has arrived I've got my eye on some yoga classes.
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