The preparations have really kicked into high gear at this point. I keep finding myself in the situation of, "Oh, yeah, I forgot to figure out -----". Fill in the blank with a major, life-affecting situation. Setting up banking in the The New World (TNW). Transferring gobs of money to TNW. Getting our cats shipped to TNW. Which is, By doG, the most amazingly frustrating part of it right now! We can't book *our* flights until we get their flights secured, which means basically going back in time to get an Import Permit that takes 6 weeks. Hopefully I can bribe the Minister of Ag to expedite it.
We have exactly 13 days to pack up all our belongings (making sure they fit in a 20'container) and buy all necessary supplies, Ikea items and shoes ;). Then a few more days to ship a motorcycle, say goodbye to our loved ones, make preparations for paying our taxes for the year, blah, blah, blah. I'm sure it seems boring from the outside, but raw and harried from the inside.
On the upside we may get to stay in a friend's beach house north of Auckland over Christmas, assuming we make it there by then. I'm pretty sure we can still get Air New Zealand Premium Economy (like Business class, top floor of the plane, suede reclining seats and free champagne) tix, which is so preferable for that long of a journey. I almost can't bear thinking about going economy for 12 hours. That must sound ridiculously posh.
Off to sort out ... everything.